Let your veterinarian handle your pet’s medical care while Animal Hospice Educator and Coach Michelle Nichols supports you through our specialized coaching and counseling program. Together, we’ll help you transform your pet's end-of-life journey from an emotional rollercoaster into one marked by confidence, competence, and a meaningful quality of life for both of you...
With access to our interdisciplinary network of Animal Hospice Practitioners and AHELPer volunteers, you’ll discover compassionate care and support for you and your beloved pet in ways you never imagined. Experience the companionship and understanding you deserve.

your emotions
surrounding the death of a beloved pet and THIS death, in particular, allowing you, the pet parent, to overcome fears and face the future.

your options
based on veterinary recommendations and your pet's course of treatment, your preferred manner of death, and, within all of the possibilities, what you see as your pet’s best life while with you on earth.
Ensure your vet meets all your needs and consider adding service providers who could benefit you and your pet’s interdisciplinary team.

your plan
consistent with your values, goals, and beliefs based on what you have explored and examined. Michelle will guide you in creating Your Pet’s Advanced Directive and give tools and tips to share it with your team of professional and family supporters

your actions!
Make decisions timed appropriately and according to what you perceive as your pet's wishes. Looking back, you know you did all you could when you felt it was best, and healing will come naturally and completely.

“Partners to the Bridge” Animal Hospice Coaching for Pet Parents includes 5 Sessions plus 1 bonus Session
Pet Hospice Coaching Details Includes:
- one 90-minute Welcome and Introduction videoconference session to become acquainted and share your values, goals and beliefs, with Michelle Nichols
- four private 1-hour online Animal Hospice Coaching videoconferencing sessions with Michelle Nichols
- reflective exercises to complete on your own and to workshop during sessions
- a curated collection of tools and resources with palliative care nursing tips, quality-of-life monitoring, pet hospice planning, and end-of-life decision-making
- AHELP’s own 18-page e-booklet, The Animal Hospice Path of Least Regrets covering home care during the end-of-life period, euthanasia decision-making, planning for a hospice-supported natural death, aftercare, and memorialization
- AHELP’s own Toward a Peaceful Euthanasia for Your Pet Euthanasia Planning Workbook and Checklist co-written by Michelle Nichols and Tina Ellenbogen, DVM
- co-creation of “Your Pet’s Advanced Directive,” a document that communicates your wishes to your veterinarian(s) and other team members, guiding the team’s activities and ensuring your preferences are honored
- one 90-minute Bonus Remembrance Session, utilizing art therapy principles to engage hands, heart, and mind to reflect upon your experience and to promote healing
- unlimited support and companionship during the coaching engagement over email or the free walkie-talkie app Voxer to address grief, bereavement, and customized recommendations (by request)
We know that, just as in birth, death is hard to predict, but it is made easier with a “wholistic” team of Animal Hospice Practitioners to walk beside you. No one can erase the pain when they are no longer physically by your side, but with the realization you have followed your “Path of Least Regrets,” healing from the loss of your companion animal(s) will come more naturally and completely.
Prerequisite: A FREE Quick Connect Call with Michelle Nichols and/or a Comprehensive Care Call to ensure the Animal Coaching Program is right for you.
Please select a payment option that works best for you and your household.
Do you still have questions about Partners to the Bridge Coaching?
CONTACT AHELPNot ready to connect? Learn more on our Why Pet Hospice Coaching page.